Welcome to new readers from the ‘Militant’

June 3, 2024

Welcome to the 1,355 new and renewing readers to the Militant! We work hard to bring you news, political analysis and lessons from the continuity of the working-class movement every week, to chart a course toward workers organizing in our millions to take political power into our own hands.

We hope you will decide to join us in expanding the reach of the Militant. Introduce the paper to your co-workers, fellow unionists and others. Encourage them to subscribe and to send in notes on labor battles and social questions in which they are involved.

This presidential election year the Militant is championing the campaign of Rachele Fruit, Socialist Workers Party candidate for U.S. president. Endorsing and getting involved in her campaign is the best way today to raise the need to organize a labor party based on the unions that can reach out to draw working people of all kinds into class politics.

We also want to thank our readers, who contributed $168,246 this spring to finance the production of the Militant. We take no paid advertising and rely 100% on our working-class readers for our financing.

We got 1,511 books by Socialist Workers Party leaders and other revolutionaries into the hands of workers looking to learn more about the lessons of past struggles. This includes the SWP’s revolutionary continuity from V.I. Lenin and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and Fidel Castro and Cuba’s socialist revolution. If you’d like a catalog of the books Pathfinder offers, just ask.

And feel free to send letters, describing your activities or questions you would like the Militant to address.

In solidarity,

John Studer

Militant editor