Endorse, build the SWP 2024 campaign

July 8, 2024

With the presidential election nearly four months away, the capitalist rulers in the U.S. seek to convince working people our only choice is to pick a “lesser” evil between Donald Trump or Joseph Biden.

But decades of workers subordinating our class interests to the bosses and their parties is the main obstacle to advancing the interests workers share worldwide against the U.S. and other ruling classes. Their goal is to offload the crisis of their system onto our backs and use us as cannon fodder in their wars.

Both the Democratic and Republican campaigns insist that “we” Americans — workers and the rulers who exploit us — share common interests. But whatever their momentary factional conflicts, both parties govern for the U.S. capitalist ruling families, who profit off the exploitation of the working class, upholding their crisis-racked imperialist world order against rivals abroad.

Rachele Fruit, the Socialist Workers Party candidate for president, explains the decisive question workers face is the need to break from the bosses’ parties and form our own party, a party of labor. She points to the capacities of workers to join together to fight for the things we need. The only way to use our power effectively is to organize independently of the bosses at every level.

She explains workers today are in a mood to fight, to build and use the unions and to offer solidarity to those in struggle — here and worldwide.

Tens of millions of working people are disgusted by wages and conditions that make living and sustaining families harder and harder. Many are being drawn into world politics as a result of Moscow’s murderous invasion to subject Ukraine to occupation and Hamas’ barbaric, Oct. 7 pogrom and rising Jew-hated worldwide.

We need a labor party, based on the unions, that appeals to all working people to join and fight side by side. A party that stands for the independent interests of the working class on all questions. That organizes our class to deepen our struggles — opening the door  to transforming workers’ view of ourselves, to strengthening class consciousness and self-confidence, to uniting all the exploited and oppressed to fight to take political power into our own hands.

The Bolshevik-led Russian Revolution in 1917 and Cuba’s socialist revolution in 1959 showed workers it is possible to build a leadership and a party that can lead tens of millions to take political power.

Building this kind of party is what the Socialist Workers presidential campaign offers. Endorse the campaign. Introduce the SWP to your co-workers, family and friends. Join the SWP’s efforts to get on the ballot. Learn more about the party’s program and its revolutionary working-class continuity.

Join party campaigners as they explain it’s not who you’re against, but it’s what you’re for that counts.