Flight attendants set rally

By Vivian Sahner
July 22, 2024

On July 31 members of the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA at Endeavor Air will picket at the Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport. They’re demanding wages equal to those paid at Delta Air Lines, Endeavor’s parent company. 

While wearing the same uniforms and performing the same services on Delta Connection regional flights, the 1,600 Endeavor flight attendants make on average 45% less. Their starting pay, with its monthly guarantee of 75 hours, only amounts to $22,914 a year. 

Members of the Association of Flight Attendants at Endeavor and their supporters picketed Delta at La Guardia airport in New York June 25, demanding an end to the two-tier setup. 

Delta, which made $4.6 billion last year — more than United, American, Southwest and Alaska airlines combined — claims it would cost too much to give the workers a raise. 

So far the company has thwarted efforts to unionize its own flight attendants, something the AFA wants to turn around. In May the union held its national convention in Atlanta — Delta’s headquarters — where it backed the organizing committee at Delta.

We encourage Militant  readers to join the Minneapolis-Saint Paul picket line July 31, at 11 a.m. The union plans to organize others, including at Detroit Metropolitan Wayne Country Airport Aug. 5.