25, 50 and 75 years ago

August 5, 2024

August 2, 1999

NEWPORT NEWS, Va. — Chants of “No Justice No Peace!” and “What Do We Want? A Contract! When Do We Want It? Now!” broke out as Steelworkers on strike at Newport News Shipbuilding and locked out at Kaiser Aluminum greeted each other by slapping hands on the picket line here July 10. The strikers carried picket signs that read: “Locked-out workers at Kaiser support Local 8888,” and “Local 8888 supports locked-out Kaiser workers.

”Kaiser Aluminum workers went out on strike at five plants in Washington, Louisiana, and Ohio September 30, to fight the company’s plan to eliminate hundreds of jobs.

While Local 8888 is on strike, U.S. Navy personnel are in the shipyard working on the ships. The union has called a march and rally in Washington, D.C., to protest the strikebreaking. Local 8888 is organizing buses to the rally.

August 9, 1974

Welcoming the new Greek regime of Constantine Caramanlis, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger described its members as “old friends of ours.” But the warm words of welcome “were clouded by worry,” reported the Christian Science Monitor. “The common denominator of demonstrations all over Greece after seven years of rule by a military junta was the cry: ‘Out with the Americans.’”

The mood of joy at the end of the dictatorship and anger and bitterness at its crimes was reflected in the release of 45 political prisoners from the island of Gyaros. As the ferry approached shore, the crowd shouted, “The heroes are coming,” but soon began to chant, “Poison for the dogs of the military police.”

Washington’s support of the Greek colonels was one of the main factors that enabled their inept and hated regime to survive as long as it did.

August 8, 1949

The government which can find endless billions to feed the war machine has so far failed to appropriate one extra nickel to provide jobs or adequate unemployment compensation for the growing army of jobless victims of the capitalist profit system. The only federal assistance is in the form of unemployment insurance funds dispensed through the state governments.

The compensation is in no instance better than a hunger income.
The CIO Economic Outlook proposes a new national unemployment insurance law, administered by the federal government, of up to 52 weeks for all unemployed.

Such a measure would represent a vast improvement over the present “states rights” insurance system. But even the best program is worthless without the program of action to put it over.