SWP presidential campaign files for NJ ballot

By Lea Sherman
August 5, 2024
SWP presidential campaign files for NJ ballot
Militant/Abby Tilsner

TRENTON, N.J. — Supporters of Rachele Fruit, Socialist Workers Party candidate for U.S. president, filed 1,642 signatures, more than twice the requirement, to get on the ballot in New Jersey at the state Division of Elections in Trenton July 19.

Lea Sherman, SWP candidate for Congress in the 8th District, gets receipt for signatures from election worker Madeline Rodriguez, left. Joining Sherman, from left, were campaign supporters Ellen Berman, Gale Shangold, Osborne Hart and Richard Ariza.

“The enthusiastic response from workers across the state to the SWP’s ballot campaign underscores the fact that more workers are in a mood to fight today and are open to the need to break with the bosses’ parties,” Joanne Kuniansky, the SWP candidate for Senate from New Jersey, told the Militant.