Packaging workers strike in UK over pay, dignity

By Anne Howie
September 16, 2024

CHESHIRE, England — “The guys are absolutely 100% determined we’re going to win,” Gary Fairclough, Unite regional officer, told the Militant at their lively picket line outside Abriso Jiffy packaging plant here. “We can’t be having any withdrawal of sick pay whatsoever.”

Over 50 union members mounted their second two-week strike here Aug. 5. Fairclough said workers’ anger had been building up over management harassment at work, including spying on workers.

Workers were given a choice of a 1.1% pay rise if they kept sick pay at up to eight weeks full wages, then eight weeks half pay — or a 2.9% rise if they agreed to a reduction in sick pay to up to two weeks full pay and two weeks half pay.

Either offer is a real-terms pay cut given the higher prices workers face today. The union has asked for 8%.

The bosses are now approaching individual workers offering a pay rise if they quit the union, Fairclough said. “One union rep with 41 years in the plant was fired the day the union served notice of strike action.” After the union protested, he was reinstated.

The union has announced another two weeks of strike action from Sept. 2-14. Bosses responded with a threat to lay off 40% of the workers.