SWP begins fall campaign to expand reach of the party

By John Studer
October 7, 2024
Ezequiel Olmedo, left, a farmworker in Sunnyside, Washington, discusses the SWP campaign program with Vincent Auger, SWP candidate for governor of Washington, Aug. 12.
Militant/Jacob PerassoEzequiel Olmedo, left, a farmworker in Sunnyside, Washington, discusses the SWP campaign program with Vincent Auger, SWP candidate for governor of Washington, Aug. 12.

On Sept. 21 the Socialist Workers Party began its fall campaign. Over the next eight weeks leading up to and immediately following the presidential election SWP members will expand the reach of the party, its presidential ticket of Rachele Fruit and Dennis Richter, the Militant, books by party leaders and other revolutionaries, and raise $140,000 to further the party’s work.

We’re out to sign up hundreds of endorsers for the SWP campaign, people who want to join in getting out the word and help lay the basis for broad party work coming out of the campaign. We’ll sell 1,300 subscriptions and a similar number of books, knocking on workers’ doors, joining in union strike rallies and pickets, protesting Moscow’s continuing assault on Ukraine sovereignty, fighting against all manifestations of Jew-hatred, defending the right of Israel to exist as a refuge for Jews and joining whatever other battles break out for the interests of working people.

We’ll explain that the only road to end capitalist exploitation and oppression and the wars that mark the imperialist epoch is for working people to chart a course to take political power out of the hands of the capitalist rulers and into our own hands. To do this, we need to break from the capitalist parties, the Democrats and Republicans, and form our own party, a party of labor, that can organize working people in our tens of millions for today’s battles on the road to conquering workers power.

We’ll run the first chart on the drive in the next issue.

Join us. Contact the SWP campaign headquarters nearest you.