Endorse, build the SWP’s 2024 campaign!

October 28, 2024

For the growing number of workers repelled by the Democratic and Republican parties and seeking ways to strengthen working-class interests and our unions, there is an alternative in 2024. The Socialist Workers Party is running Rachele Fruit for president, Dennis Richter for vice president and candidates for U.S. Congress and Senate around the country.

Endorse the SWP ticket and use the remaining days of the election to introduce the party’s candidates and working-class program to your family, friends, co-workers and fellow unionists. That’s the best way to prepare for the class and political struggles that will inevitably unfold after Nov. 5.

The SWP candidates explain there are two social classes that confront each other in politics today — the capitalist ruling families and the tens of millions of working people. Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are vying to govern for the ruling capitalist class, to help aid their drive to profit off workers’ backs. They’ll use the state and its cops, courts and the Pentagon to uphold the U.S. rulers’ weakened but still dominant place in today’s crisis-wracked world order. Not to curb the intensifying drive toward more and deadlier wars, but to defend their own imperialist interests against allies and enemies alike throughout the world.

The SWP candidates explain the working class has the power and strategic location in industry to take on the bosses, and that class consciousness will grow as we do so. Workers must build our own party, a party of labor, with a battle-hardened leadership, to lead millions to replace the rule of the capitalist warmakers with a government of our own. We can put an end to the sharpening bouts of joblessness and soaring prices that mark the death agony of capitalism, by taking power and instituting workers control of production to meet the needs of humanity.

Every class struggle today is a political struggle. And every political question is a class question. The SWP program — which is not a set of ideas, but a guide to action — is built on this.

Through strikes and other working-class struggles today, workers begin to see each other in a new light. We learn in practice about building solidarity and forging working-class unity. We learn there are no individual solutions to the crisis coming down on our class. We become better prepared for decisive struggles against the bosses, their parties and governments.

The SWP’s unshakable confidence in the working class is a product of the party’s political continuity going back to the two mighty socialist revolutions of the last century, led by V.I. Lenin and the Bolsheviks in Russia in 1917 and by Fidel Castro in Cuba in 1959. The class struggle in the U.S. will forge revolutionary leaders of the highest caliber, like Malcolm X and Farrell Dobbs.

The SWP campaign offers workers the opportunity to vote for what you’re for, not who you’re against. Your endorsement and activity with the SWP campaign will contribute to expanding its reach.

And it can lay the groundwork for continued collaboration with the SWP in battles to come. Join the fight for workers power and a socialist world!