On the Picket Line

Solidarity with food workers strike in U.K. for union rights

By Peter Clifford
November 25, 2024

WREXHAM, North Wales — Several hundred Unite union members at Oscar Mayer rallied here Nov. 8, one of almost daily actions marking their determination to win their nine-week strike. 

The walkout began after the large majority East European workforce was presented with a new contract that bosses demanded they sign or be fired. The company refuses to recognize their union and is pushing to end paid breaks and extra pay for bank holidays, resulting in a wage cut of some 3,000 pounds ($3,825) annually. The workers make ready meals for supermarkets. 

In the course of the fight, union membership shot up at the plant from 47 in April to 600 today. 

At the rally were six workers who had initially not gone on strike, but were won to join the fight. Union leaders say that some agency workers, who were taken on full time in an effort to break the strike, have now joined the walkout. 

The rally was joined by representatives of the union’s Food, Drink and Agricultural Workers Committee in Wales. “We have to win this fight, otherwise food workers will keep facing low wages, poor conditions and lack of union recognition,” committee chair Ivan Monckton told the Militant.

Earlier four strikers had traveled to address the Manchester South branch meeting of the Rail, Maritime and Transport union. 

“It was a pleasure to welcome the Unite union Oscar Mayer strikers,” Clayton Clive, RMT branch secretary, posted after the meeting. “We had a whip round and raised 133 pounds. Solidarity, keep up the fight.” A further 200 pounds was sent from the branch to the workers. 

Messages of support can be sent to Unite Union, 33 King Street, Wrexham, LL11 1HR, Wales, UK.