Join the Socialist Workers Party’s spring campaign!

Help expand the reach of the 2025 SWP candidates, ‘Militant,’ books by SWP leaders and ‘Militant’ fund

March 24, 2025
“Working people need to run society,” Kevin Dwire, Socialist Workers Party candidate for mayor of Minneapolis, told Nedifa when he knocked on her door March 8. “I agree,” she replied. “It’s great you’re going around speaking with people face to face about things like this.”
Militant/Gabrielle Prosser“Working people need to run society,” Kevin Dwire, Socialist Workers Party candidate for mayor of Minneapolis, told Nedifa when he knocked on her door March 8. “I agree,” she replied. “It’s great you’re going around speaking with people face to face about things like this.”

There is a revolutionary working-class voice in the 2025 elections. 

The Socialist Workers Party is launching a spring campaign to introduce its national slate of 2025 candidates, expand the reach of the Militant  and books by SWP leaders and other revolutionaries, and to raise $165,000 to keep the Militant  coming out.

The SWP and Communist Leagues in Australia, Canada and the U.K. are organizing an eight-week effort March 22-May 20 to win 1,300 subscribers to the Militant  and get 1,300 books recounting the lessons of earlier working-class struggles into the hands of working people. 

SWP candidates start with the world — the deepening crisis of the imperialist system. They point to a class-struggle road forward for the working class everywhere. The rulers’ only solution to their sharpening competition and national rivalries today is heightened trade conflicts and more wars. Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine and the Tehran-backed Hamas pogrom against Jews in Israel — the worst such slaughter since the Holocaust — mark a significant turn in the world we live in.

New and more dangerous wars are inevitable as the competition between national capitalist powers marches humanity toward war, fascism and the threat of a nuclear conflagration. 

There is no alternative in the imperialist epoch. This is captured in the headline on the Militant  Aug. 18, 1945, after the U.S. rulers callously unleashed nuclear destruction on the peoples of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. “There Is No Peace! Only World Socialism Can Save Mankind From Atomic Destruction In Another Imperialist War,” the headline read. The subhead: “Workers of America! You Must Take Power Into Your Own Hands!” 

This is what the SWP candidates campaign on: Break with the parties of the bosses and bankers and chart a course toward workers taking political power. We say vote SWP! Join in building the SWP campaign. Join the SWP!

No other party explains all political issues today are class questions. No other party says that workers can, and have, made history. We point to our continuity with the two great revolutions of our epoch — the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917 led by V.I. Lenin and Cuba’s socialist revolution in 1959 led by Fidel Castro. 

Tribunes of the people

SWP members are workers. They stand alongside fellow workers on union picket lines, join fights for jobs for all, better wages and conditions and join in efforts to build solidarity. 

They’re tribunes of the people, defending all those exploited and oppressed under capitalism, including working farmers who face bankruptcy and the millions of workers without papers forced into pariah status by the U.S. rulers. They point to the historic place of the fight by African Americans against national oppression and why only the working class can lead the fight for women’s emancipation. 

Party candidates join actions against Jew-hating violence, in defense of Israel’s right to exist as a refuge for the Jewish people, and in support of Ukrainian sovereignty. They build actions to press Washington to end its brutal economic war against Cuba’s socialist revolution. They explain all workers have a stake in defending constitutional protections no matter whose freedoms are under assault. 

The SWP has an unparalleled record — running candidates for president in every election in the last 75 years.

The Militant  gives voice to the SWP campaign, as well as those of the Communist Leagues. The books on special during the eight-week campaign explain the powerful lessons of previous revolutionary struggles. 

Week-in, week-out, the Militant  reports the activities of the party’s candidates and how they explain unfolding politics from the point of view of the working class. They point to examples of the deep capacities of workers in struggle. They speak in defense of workers behind bars. Don’t hesitate to drop the paper a line about what you’re up to. 

After party branches adopt quotas for the campaign, the Militant  will print a scoreboard and article each week measuring the progress being made to bring home the drive. 

Contributions to the Militant Fighting Fund can be made now online at Join in the SWP spring campaign! Contact the party branch nearest you listed in the directory.

Militant editor