Above, Jersey City Kosher Supermarket, after two anti-Semitic attackers killed Moshe Deutsch, Leah Mindel Ferencz and Douglas Miguel Rodríguez, from left in the inset.

Murders at Jersey City deli were anti-Semitic assault

JERSEY CITY, N.J. — A murderous attack targeting Jews at the Jersey City Kosher Supermarket left three people dead Dec. 10. Despite the fact that killers David Anderson and Francine Graham charged directly into the deli, opening fire before they…

SWP statement

Protest Jew-hatred, killings in New Jersey

Working people speak out against Jew-hatred!

The following statement was released Dec. 17 by Seth Galinsky, the Socialist Workers Party’s candidate for New York City public advocate in 2019. We urge all working people, their unions and other working-class organizations to join us in speaking out…

Democrats push to impeachment boosts US rulers political police

As Democrats advanced their witch hunt against President Donald Trump aimed at overturning the 2016 election, State Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz released his report on FBI spy operations targeting Trump’s election campaign then. Horowitz’s account exposes how Washington’s political…

NY meeting discusses Sankara’s legacy today

Panelists at “Legacy of Thomas Sankara” meeting held Dec. 8 in Harlem. From right, Boukary Sawadogo, professor at City College of New York; Issa Zoungrana, representative of Stand for Life and Liberty; Inem Richardson, student at Barnard College; chairperson Boukary Salogo; Basninwende Isonore Dianda, grade school teacher in Harlem; and Peter Thierjung, Socialist Workers Party.

NEW YORK — “Thirty-two years ago Thomas Sankara was assassinated. Today our voices are raised with his ideas,” said chairperson Boukary Salogo, opening a Dec. 8 program here in Harlem featuring a panel of speakers on “Thomas Sankara’s Legacy Today.”…


Socialist Workers Party leadership sets course ahead

Adopts course to build union solidarity • defend constitutional freedoms • fight for wages, hours, job conditions that prevent families in working class from being torn apart • defend Cuba’s socialist revolution and its example in the U.S. and world over
International Educational Conference in Oberlin, Ohio, June 8-10, brought together over 330 people for reports, discussion on communist program, continuity and activities. Right, SWP literature table during conference.
OBERLIN, Ohio — “The sweeping indictment of Donald Trump under the Espionage Act by President Joseph…

Cuba and Chernobyl

This Cuban documentary produced in 2006 tells the story of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe in Ukraine and Cuba’s exemplary internationalist medical program that treated more than 25,000 victims.