
By Jean Ulman
November 6, 2020

United actions have been at center of Socialist Workers Party’s defense of Cuban Revolution for six decades. Above, April 15, 1961, picket at U.N. called by Fair Play for Cuba Committee, which organized in U.S. and Canada to halt attacks on Cuba. Inset, SWP leader Mary-Alice Waters, right, and party’s 2008 presidential candidate Róger Calero carry banner in September 2008 march to free Cuban 5 in Washington, D.C. Also participating were IFCO/Pastors for Peace, National Network on Cuba, Party for Socialism and Liberation, Green Party, D.C. Metro Committee to Free the Five and others.

United actions have been at center of Socialist Workers Party’s defense of Cuban Revolution for six decades. Above, April 15, 1961, picket at U.N. called by Fair Play for Cuba Committee, which organized in U.S. and Canada to halt attacks on Cuba. Inset, SWP leader Mary-Alice Waters, right, and party’s 2008 presidential candidate Róger Calero carry banner in September 2008 march to free Cuban 5 in Washington, D.C. Also participating were IFCO/Pastors for Peace, National Network on Cuba, Party for Socialism and Liberation, Green Party, D.C. Metro Committee to Free the Five and others.