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May 6, 2024

SWP campaigners win new support

When Candace Wagner, Socialist Workers Party candidate for U.S. Congress, knocked on his door in Butler, Pennsylvania, UAW member Richard LeGrande said even with a union job it’s hard to afford housing. LeGrande got a Militant subscription, three books by SWP leaders.

…“The vote for the United Auto Workers shows that the low point of labor resistance is behind us,” Fitzmaurice told Lisa Black, a member of the International Association of Machinists…

March 25, 2024

Join the SWP campaign!

Rachele Fruit, Socialist Workers Party candidate for president, is working-class alternative to both Biden and Trump
Rachele Fruit, Socialist Workers Party 2024 candidate for president, center, introduces the party’s program at International Longshoremen’s Association Local 1416 hall in Miami Feb. 25.

…piece, government-funded all-embracing health care, child care and elder care, and more. Hundreds of thousands of workers and their unions, from auto, rail, truckers, flight attendants, nurses and others are…

May 20, 2024

Help take Militant Fighting Fund over the top!

…over the top! An over-the-road truck driver who subscribed to the paper last year at a rally of Teamsters made an online contribution of $100. Don’t stop now. The end…