From left, Carol Bundy, rancher Cliven Bundy, his lawyer Bret Whipple, and his son Ammon, in back in hat, leave Las Vegas court after judge ruled government can’t retry Cliven, Ammon and Ryan Bundy, as well as supporter Ryan Payne, because of prosecutors’ deliberate misconduct.

Frame-up of ranchers in Nevada thrown out

Government lied, withheld evidence, judge says

LAS VEGAS — The frame-up of Cliven Bundy, his sons Ammon and Ryan, and supporter Ryan Payne, was tossed out by federal Judge Gloria Navarro Jan. 8. She made her ruling “with prejudice,” which means government prosecutors are barred from…

Working-class discontent continues to spread in Iran

Protests by working people and youth rapidly spread to 80 cities and rural towns across Iran since Dec. 28. They began amid widespread frustration and anger among working people against rising prices, high unemployment and new government budget proposals that…

Cuba literacy fight veteran to tour US East Coast

Supporters of the Cuban Revolution are taking advantage of the exciting opportunity to organize an East Coast tour for Griselda Aguilera Cabrera Jan. 31-Feb. 23. At the age of 7, Aguilera was the youngest participant in the revolution’s mass literacy…

Weeks after lifting ban, Florida prisons censor ‘Militant’ again

Dec. 18 Militant impounded by Florida prison officials

Despite repeated rulings by the Florida prison system’s own Literature Review Committee overturning the impoundment of the Militant, prison officials at Charlotte Correctional Institution in Punta Gorda and at Santa Rosa Correctional Institution in Milton, Florida, have impounded another issue of…

Puerto Rican protests say, ‘Stop abuse of the poor’

“The upper and middle class neighborhoods are getting electricity restored, but most poorer neighborhoods don’t have light,” Rufino Carrión told the Militant by phone Jan. 6 from Gurabo in the center of Puerto Rico. A few days before, Carrión, a pastor at…

Profit-driven retail buyouts threaten more bankruptcies

While the big-business media has boasted that retail sales were up during the 2017 holiday season — 3.8 percent higher than the year before — the crisis of the bosses in the retail industry continues to unfold as growing numbers…


Activities in Cuba pay tribute to Antonio Maceo Brigade

‘It’s a big lie that all Cubans in the United States are opposed to the revolution’

HAVANA — “Today we are celebrating 40 years of continuous activity” defending the Cuban Revolution in the United States, said Andrés Gómez, national coordinator of the Antonio Maceo Brigade. He was speaking at a Dec. 19 event here honoring the…

Cuba and Chernobyl

This Cuban documentary produced in 2006 tells the story of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe in Ukraine and Cuba’s exemplary internationalist medical program that treated more than 25,000 victims.