Video of burning rail cars after Feb. 3 Norfolk Southern derailment, release of toxic pollution shown at National Transportation Safety Board hearing in East Palestine, Ohio, June 22. Among union leaders speaking was Jared Cassity, SMART-TD, inset, at Dec. 13 rally after Congress barred strike, imposed contract.

Unions put stamp on East Palestine disaster hearing

Fight for workers control over safety is road forward

EAST PALESTINE, Ohio — Community residents and rail unions came prepared to have their say at the investigative hearing organized here by the National Transportation Safety Board looking for the causes of the Feb. 3 Norfolk Southern train derailment, which…

Ukraine battle for sovereignty advances amid Moscow clash

The aborted June 23-24 heavily armed convoy headed toward the Kremlin by Yevgeny Prigozhin, head of the Wagner mercenary army, has exposed the weaknesses of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s rule. Cracks inside his regime have been brought into the open…

SWP: Defend political rights workers need!

Farmworkers discuss their fight to win union recognition for the United Farm Workers and better job conditions at Windmill Farms in Sunnyside, Washington, with Vincent Auger, SWP candidate for Seattle City Council, far left, and campaign supporters June 26.

One of the central questions Socialist Workers Party candidates and campaigners are addressing with working people — on strike picket lines, farmsteads and workers’ doorsteps — are the high stakes in defending constitutional freedoms under attack today by President Joseph…

Independence for Puerto Rico debated at June 22 UN hearing

Nov. 27, 2022, protest in San Juan against U.S. colonial rule in Puerto Rico. Speakers at U.N. hearing described how U.S. exploitation has worsened economic, social crisis on the island.

UNITED NATIONS — “The political, economic and social model of colonialism in Puerto Rico has not only failed dismally, but every day it is rejected by more Puerto Ricans,” Adrián González, organization secretary of the Puerto Rican Independence Party, told…


Socialist Workers Party leadership sets course ahead

Adopts course to build union solidarity • defend constitutional freedoms • fight for wages, hours, job conditions that prevent families in working class from being torn apart • defend Cuba’s socialist revolution and its example in the U.S. and world over
International Educational Conference in Oberlin, Ohio, June 8-10, brought together over 330 people for reports, discussion on communist program, continuity and activities. Right, SWP literature table during conference.

OBERLIN, Ohio — “The sweeping indictment of Donald Trump under the Espionage Act by President Joseph Biden’s Justice Department is another step along the course the Democratic Party has been pressing for seven years of criminalizing political opposition and debate,”…

Socialist Workers Party leadership sets course ahead

Adopts course to build union solidarity • defend constitutional freedoms • fight for wages, hours, job conditions that prevent families in working class from being torn apart • defend Cuba’s socialist revolution and its example in the U.S. and world over
International Educational Conference in Oberlin, Ohio, June 8-10, brought together over 330 people for reports, discussion on communist program, continuity and activities. Right, SWP literature table during conference.
OBERLIN, Ohio — “The sweeping indictment of Donald Trump under the Espionage Act by President Joseph…

Cuba and Chernobyl

This Cuban documentary produced in 2006 tells the story of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe in Ukraine and Cuba’s exemplary internationalist medical program that treated more than 25,000 victims.