Below is a March 13 letter to the editors of the New York Post by Paul Mailhot, Socialist Workers Party candidate for mayor of New York. Pointing to the paper’s March 9 feature interview with Zohran Mamdani, the Democratic Socialists…
Ukrainian working people are determined to keep fighting to defend their country’s sovereignty, and have largely stood their ground under assault from Moscow’s invading military over the past three years. The struggle continues as conflicts between ruling classes worldwide for…
Documents discovered by the Israel Defense Forces in Gaza that were recently made public confirm that Hamas’ Oct. 7, 2023, pogrom had the explicit aim of destroying Israel. They record exchanges between Hamas, Hezbollah and the reactionary regime in Tehran…
MONTREAL — Some 1,000 unionists rallied here March 14 to demand the Quebec government withdraw the proposed anti-labor Bill 89. They rallied near the Plaza Centre-Ville where Quebec Minister of Labour Jean Boulet was scheduled to speak. The bill would…
High prices for food, rent and other necessities continue to hit working people hard, forcing families to cut back spending. One reflection of this is a 4.3% drop over the past year in purchases at convenience stores. “Americans are stopping…
Victory! The Militant was informed March 19 that the ban on its issue no. 2 in Florida prisons has been overturned. “On March 6, 2025, the Literature Review Committee decided to overturn the impoundment of The Militant, Vol. 89, No.…
‘Working class needs to take power into our own hands’
“There Is No Peace!” That was the banner headline on the Aug. 18, 1945, issue of the Militant, featuring the Socialist Workers Party National Committee Manifesto we’re reprinting below. Earlier that month, the U.S. capitalist rulers had unleashed history’s first…
THE SECOND IMPERIALIST WORLD WAR HAS ENDED. Six years of wholesale slaughter and devastation have been brought to an awful climax with the discovery of the atomic bomb and its use, with frightful effect, against the people of Japan. The…
From the December 2022 SWP convention resolution, “The Low Point of Labor Resistance Is Behind Us.” No nonproliferation zones, arms limitation treaties, or diplomatic pacts between imperialist powers and other nuclear-armed regimes can or will advance the fight to stop…
This Cuban documentary produced in 2006 tells the story of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe in Ukraine and Cuba’s exemplary internationalist medical program that treated more than 25,000 victims.