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January 15, 2024

Constitutional rights fight key in class struggle

FBI raids Socialist Workers Party headquarters in Minneapolis June 1941, as Roosevelt administration led assault on constitutional freedoms to silence opposition in labor movement to U.S. rulers’ preparations for World War II.

Defending constitutional freedoms from attack by the capitalist rulers is at the center of the class struggle. That fact is borne out by the latest attack on Donald Trump, barring…

April 8, 2024

Moscow steps up attacks on Ukraine after IS terror attack

…While hurling “terrorism” accusations against Ukraine, Moscow unleashed its latest deadly round of aerial bombardment against Ukrainian cities and infrastructure March 25. In a March 23 statement, the Confederation of…

June 3, 2024

US union raises aid for Ukrainian rail workers

…112 were killed among the tens of thousands of casualties from Putin’s relentless shelling and bombing of civilian targets. The latest victims are a railway inspector and repairman working for…