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July 8, 2024

25, 50 and 75 years ago

July 12, 1999 NEWPORT NEWS, Virginia — “We must let them know that they can’t walk all over us any old way. What we do will make a difference to…

June 11, 2018

In defense of the US working class

SWP leader at Havana event answers question: ‘Can working people in US make a socialist revolution?’
Striking teachers at West Virginia Capitol in Charleston, Feb. 26, 2018, as one of most significant labor battles in U.S. in decades exploded. Teachers and other school workers went on strike statewide, winning support from students, parents, churches and other unions. Strikes and protests spread to Oklahoma, Kentucky, Arizona, Colorado, and North Carolina. “What happened there is a living refutation of the portrait of working-class bigotry and ‘backwardness’ painted by middle class liberals and much of the radical left,” says Socialist Workers Party leader Mary-Alice Waters.

…happen again, with even more devastating consequences for working people. The opposite is the truth. The crisis of finance capital is not a short-term cyclical adjustment. World capitalism’s profit rates…

March 25, 2024

Join campaign to expand the Militant’s readership

…paper is underway! Join in! Get the paper to your co-workers, friends, family and fellow unionists and spread the word about its unique and indispensable coverage, and working-class point of…

April 22, 2024

Solidarity with flight attendants fight!

…is a good place to start — to help get out the word and build support for their picket lines. The contracts in dispute cover two-thirds of union flight attendants…