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February 26, 2024

Protest against Jew-hatred! No to Putin’s war in Ukraine!

Support Ukraine battle for its independence
People sign for anti-war presidential candidate Boris Nadezhdin in Moscow Jan. 23. Putin, alarmed as 200,000 people were seen lining up to sign petitions, barred him from ballot.

Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine continues to devastate the lives of working people there, to fuel anti-war opposition to the regime of President Vladimir Putin in Russia, and to roil world

February 26, 2024

Blows to Hamas advance fight against Jew-hatred

Hamas built tunnels, command posts under hospitals, schools, mosques, homes to maximize civilian casualties. Left, diagram of tunnel underneath Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City. Right, Palestinians leaving Rafah after Israel let them know plans for military offensive.

…as the world’s dominant power and to advance their own economic and political interests against rivals in the region. The developments unfolding in Israel and more broadly in the Middle…