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October 23, 2023

Biggest massacre of Jews since the Nazi Holocaust

Cars shot up, blocked as Jewish participants in all-night music festival near Gaza tried to flee Hamas’ murderous attacks Oct. 7. Killing or kidnapping Jews was Hamas’ main objective.

…to Gaza as hostages. Hamas documented its heinous atrocities and ostentatiously posted them online for the world to see. One of those taken captive by Hamas was Shani Louk, a…

February 24, 2020

Coronavirus shows need for revolution in health care

…raised with colleagues online seeing a strange new pneumonia-causing virus that required special precautions. Li was reprimanded by his hospital bosses and taken away by the police, who forced him…

December 28, 2020

Venezuelan elections deal blow to US rulers’ attacks

Volunteer Cuban doctors treat working people for symptoms of COVID-19 in Caracas in April. Revolutionary Cuba defends Venezuelan sovereignty against U.S. sanctions, attacks.

…elections because “nothing is going to change.” Following the Dec. 6 vote, the weakened opposition forces around Guaidó organized a six-day online and smaller in-person “popular consultation.” They claim 6.5…