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July 29, 2024

NATO meets in Washington as drive to more wars deepens

U.S. troops at Mihail Kogalniceanu airport in Romania, July 30, 2022, after Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine. Expanded NATO air base, near Black Sea west of Crimea, will be Europe’s largest.

The July 9-11 summit of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization held in Washington, D.C., highlighted the dangers of wider wars worldwide driven by deepening conflicts unfolding today between the world’s…

July 29, 2024

Communist League campaign wins support in UK elections

Pamela Holmes, Communist League parliamentary candidate in Tottenham, London, with Pat Gough, Unite union convenor, on Case Holland picket line June 4. Inset, Peter Clifford, front right, CL candidate for Manchester Rusholme seat with fellow rail workers on strike June 8.

LONDON — “Our campaign starts from how to mobilize millions to defend the interests of working people,” Peter Clifford, the Communist League candidate for the Manchester Rusholme constituency told a…

December 2, 2019

Back CN rail workers, Asarco strikers fights!

3,200 Canadian National rail workers strike for safety
Canadian National rail workers picket in Brampton, Ontario, Nov. 19, part of strike for safety.

…Some grain is being moved by management personnel, but thousands of additional tons are stuck in storage. Western Canadian governments, oil bosses and others demand Trudeau cut off the strike….