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November 6, 2023

Fight Jew-hatred! Support the right of Israel to exist!

Battle against Jew-hatred is a working-class question
Protest demands “End Jew-hatred on campus” at Columbia University, New York, Oct. 25. A Jewish student was physically assaulted there Oct. 11 by someone tearing down posters demanding Hamas release hostages seized during its Oct. 7 pogrom killing 1,400 in Israel.

…posted videos of their acts for the whole world to see. The assault marks a turning point that highlights the necessity of working people standing up to Jew-hatred as today’s…

February 19, 2024

25, 50, and 75 Years Ago

…Feb. 10. February 21, 1949 In both World War I and World War II Congress plunged America into the slaughter without consulting the people. The Socialist Workers Party has long…