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July 5, 2021

Back Warrior Met miners out on strike in Alabama!

Solidarity crucial in months-long battle
Striking miners at expanded picket at entrance to Warrior Met Coal No. 7 mine June 15 where company is using scabs. This is first union contract strike battle in Alabama mine since 1980s.

…to regain ground lost in 2016 when they took major concessions in wages, benefits and working conditions after the previous owner, Jim Walter Resources, went bankrupt. The mine’s new owners,…

May 6, 2024

SWP campaigners win new support

When Candace Wagner, Socialist Workers Party candidate for U.S. Congress, knocked on his door in Butler, Pennsylvania, UAW member Richard LeGrande said even with a union job it’s hard to afford housing. LeGrande got a Militant subscription, three books by SWP leaders.

new readers to the Militant, sell 1,350 books by SWP leaders and other revolutionaries and raise $165,000 for the Militant Fighting Fund. The new book is on special for $5…