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February 5, 2024

Fight against Jew-hatred!

Defend Israel’s right to exist, defend itself
Rally outside U.N. headquarters in New York City Dec. 12 demanding release of Israeli hostages held by Hamas terrorists in Gaza Strip. Over 240 people were kidnapped as Islamist terrorists murdered 1,200 in Israel Oct. 7, the largest single-day massacre of Jews since Holocaust.

…died. Israeli officials says more than 9,000 of those Gazans killed are armed fighters. Hamas maximizes civilian deaths Unlike every other capitalist army in the world, the Israel Defense Forces…

February 5, 2024

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

…Marshall Plan is patching up the worst ruins left by World War II and reviving the battered capitalist economies of Europe. The North Atlantic Pact picks up where the Marshall…

February 12, 2024

The US Civil War was the Second American Revolution

Slaves liberated by Union army in Newbern, North Carolina, after Emancipation Proclamation by Abraham Lincoln, Jan. 1, 1863, Communist leaders Karl Marx, Frederick Engels said U.S. Civil War was a struggle between slavery and free labor. They backed Lincoln and free labor.

…social development. The interaction of these two fundamental factors, the first rooted in national soil and the second stemming from world conditions, constituted the principal driving force in American history…

February 12, 2024

Ukraine unions call for worldwide solidarity actions

…says, is undermining “stability both in Europe and around the world” as Russian President Vladimir Putin tries to redraw “the map of modern Europe.” The union appeal calls for support…