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January 29, 2024

Prosecution of Israel in the World Court is a frame-up

Jews deported by train from Hungary arrive at Auschwitz death camp in Poland in 1944. In the Holocaust, Nazi capitalist rulers in Germany and their allies killed 6 million Jews, a systematic, genocidal state-sponsored mass murder, the scope of which no other people have ever faced.

…said. “It seeks to defend itself.” Pretoria’s charges “could be interpreted as direct support to Hamas’s tactics, including using civilians as human shields and diverting aid for military purposes and…

February 5, 2024

Fight against Jew-hatred!

Defend Israel’s right to exist, defend itself
Rally outside U.N. headquarters in New York City Dec. 12 demanding release of Israeli hostages held by Hamas terrorists in Gaza Strip. Over 240 people were kidnapped as Islamist terrorists murdered 1,200 in Israel Oct. 7, the largest single-day massacre of Jews since Holocaust.

…makes efforts to get civilians out of combat zones. Hamas does the opposite. The terror group seeks to maximize the deaths of civilians by using them as human shields. After…

February 5, 2024

Moscow threatens to crush Ukraine, Ukrainian people

…Tatars, on charges of “discrediting” Russia’s armed forces by expressing pro-Ukrainian views, the Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group reports. These charges have been used to fine or imprison people “for…

February 19, 2024

Fight for workers control of production

…can call our own. The working class in power would mobilize to nationalize the bosses’ factories, banks and land and begin to run them ourselves to meet human needs worldwide….