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May 20, 2024

Millions turn out to celebrate May Day in Cuba

Millions turn out to celebrate May Day in Cuba

…women “show us that human capital is the most secure and solid resource we have today.” Guilarte also condemned the Israeli government’s offensive in Gaza, carried out with the complicity…

May 20, 2024

Campus occupations back Hamas, spread Jew-hatred

…closed down political space for working people. It repeatedly launched unprovoked assaults on the civilian population in Israel and, when the Israeli government responded, used Gazan civilians as human shields,…

May 27, 2024

Canadian rulers move to bar national rail strike

…for safer working conditions and more human work schedules. Walkouts by Canadian Pacific rail workers in 2012, 2015, 2018 and 2022 all ended under threat of federal strikebreaking legislation. Working-class…