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April 8, 2024

The fight against Jew-hatred is a key question for the unions

Mike Zilles, president of the Newton Teachers Association in Massachusetts, speaks at strike rally Jan. 18. The union has spoken out against unions calling for imposing a cease-fire on Israel’s war against Hamas or accusing Israel of “genocide.” These false positions “will provoke further antisemitism,” Zilles said, and ignore “the atrocities against Israelis on Oct. 7.”

…include the American Postal Workers Union, Association of Flight Attendants, National Nurses United, International Union of Painters and Allied Trades, National Education Association, United Auto Workers, and United Electrical Workers….

April 15, 2024

Chattanooga VW workers to vote on UAW April 17-19

ATLANTA — Some 4,300 Volkswagen autoworkers in Chattanooga, Tennessee, will vote on union recognition April 17-19, aimed at bringing the United Auto Workers in to represent them. The election was…

May 6, 2024

Volkswagen workers vote overwhelmingly for UAW

Autoworkers at Volkswagen in Chattanooga, Tennessee, celebrate announcement of 73% vote for UAW April 19. Victory gives impetus to workers fighting for union recognition elsewhere.

In an important victory for unions across the U.S., workers at the Chattanooga, Tennessee, Volkswagen plant voted by 73% to be represented by the United Auto Workers, giving impetus to…

May 6, 2024

SWP campaigners win new support

When Candace Wagner, Socialist Workers Party candidate for U.S. Congress, knocked on his door in Butler, Pennsylvania, UAW member Richard LeGrande said even with a union job it’s hard to afford housing. LeGrande got a Militant subscription, three books by SWP leaders.

…“The vote for the United Auto Workers shows that the low point of labor resistance is behind us,” Fitzmaurice told Lisa Black, a member of the International Association of Machinists…

May 13, 2024

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

…simple issue is the speedup. The problem was posed sharply over a year ago in the major corporations. The campaign to squeeze more work out of the auto workers was…

May 20, 2024

Rachele Fruit wins support campaigning in Miami

…you.” She was happy to hear from Fruit about the United Auto Workers union recognition victory at the Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and also was pleased to see Fruit…

June 17, 2024

SWP campaign prepares to file for ballot in Tennessee

…control over what happens on the shop floor,” Farley said, pointing to the recent victory in organizing the Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga into the United Auto Workers. Powell agreed, explaining…