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November 2, 2023

¿Por qué existe Israel?

…que Hitler llegó al poder, las tropas de asalto nazis irrumpieron en reuniones sindicales, aplastaron al Partido Comunista y al Partido Socialdemócrata y lanzaron una creciente campaña de ataques contra

February 19, 2024

UK unions march to protest against new anti-union law

Members of Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen, the U.K. train drivers’ union, picket Manchester Piccadilly Jan. 31, protesting new law limiting impact of strike action.

CHELTENHAM, England — Some 5,000 workers marched behind union banners here Jan. 27 to protest against a new anti-union government law, the “Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act.” The law was…

March 25, 2024

Thousands of farmers in India march on New Delhi

Thousands of farmers in India are marching toward New Delhi protesting government attacks on their livelihoods. They’re encamped at multiple points along the way, with armed forces deployed by Prime…