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June 3, 2024

25, 50 and 75 years ago

June 7, 1999 PASCAGOULA, Miss. — “Good news to Newport News, Ingalls workers want money too!” declares a picket sign at the main gate of Ingalls Shipbuilding in this Gulf…

February 5, 2024

World politics shifting since Oct. 7 pogrom

Volunteer rescue workers carry survivor from building hit by Russian rocket attack in Kyiv, Ukraine, Jan. 2. Invasion of Ukraine by Russian President Vladimir Putin in February 2022 shook imperialist world “order,” accelerating war preparations by capitalist powers worldwide.

Alongside Moscow’s murderous invasion of Ukraine, Hamas’ Oct. 7 massacre of Jews in Israel — backed and promoted by the rulers in Iran — marked a watershed in world politics….

May 27, 2024

Opening guns of World War III get louder

The opening guns of World War III are getting louder, and the reality of the imperialist epoch is becoming clearer to millions. While the ruling capitalist families wield state power,…

May 6, 2024

Volkswagen workers vote overwhelmingly for UAW

Autoworkers at Volkswagen in Chattanooga, Tennessee, celebrate announcement of 73% vote for UAW April 19. Victory gives impetus to workers fighting for union recognition elsewhere.

…as the company has carried out an aggressive anti-union campaign in the plant. “Mercedes is forcing me and my co-workers to attend meetings and watch anti-union videos that are full…

February 12, 2024

Support Israel’s right to exist as a refuge for Jews

Israeli blows against Hamas open political space in Gaza
Arabs, Jews attend funeral for Ahmad Abu Latif, Bedouin soldier in Israeli army, who died fighting Hamas in Gaza. “Jews, Arabs must work together,” his brother said. “We’re threatened by a common enemy.”

…officials have released videos of several anti-Hamas actions in Gaza, including one that shows hundreds fleeing Khan Younis Jan. 26 chanting, “The people want the fall of Hamas!” Another showed…

February 19, 2024

Watershed in world politics
New wars and social crises are inevitable

How Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine, Hamas’ Oct. 7 slaughter of Jews upended the capitalist ‘world order’
Houthi helicopter hijacking cargo ship Galaxy Leader in Red Sea Nov. 19. After Houthi attacks on ships in January, U.S. and U.K. forces mounted airstrikes against their bases in Yemen.

…the capitalist “world order” since the U.S. rulers emerged as the victors out of the second imperialist world war has been weakening for decades, but there is no serious challenger…