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August 31, 2020

Israel-UAE pact is a step forward in Middle East

Pact opens road to broader political space for toilers
Left, Jewish, Arab bus drivers demand better work conditions, safety outside Israeli parliament in Jerusalem in July. Right, Ramallah, West Bank, protest against Palestinian Authority attack on Social Security, pensions in 2018. Workers across the region have common interests.

…an independent, contiguous Palestinian state. Al Jazeera, a news site funded by the Qatari government, ran a headline Aug. 14 alleging “Palestinians unanimously reject UAE-Israel deal.” But that is true…

November 16, 2020

Oberlin College aims to crush small store owner

…Joy Karega. She promoted anti-Semitic conspiracy theories on her public Facebook site, which college administrators at first defended as a matter of free speech. She was dismissed in 2016 for…

March 1, 2021

Workers stand up to largest refinery company in US

Solidarity with Marathon oil workers in Minnesota!
President of Minnesota Nurses Association delivers firewood donation to workers locked out by Marathon Petroleum in St. Paul Park, Minnesota. Strike support is crucial for the union.

…power of working people.” “I agree with that,” said Ron Linker, another picket. Washington County Sheriff’s Department cops sit in their cars monitoring each picket site. The company won an…