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March 15, 2021

Pathfinder’s new website — easier to search, browse, buy

Books help us see today’s fights as part of working-class line of march to end exploitation
New website is optimized — for computer and phone — to help locate titles, authors, and subjects of interest in 11 different languages, and with Google and other search engines, also.

Pathfinder Press unveiled a new website this month at The attractive colorful design, enhanced search and greater security make for easy-to-use shopping and checkout. Built with improved technology, it…

May 31, 2021

Join the Syringes for Cuba campaign!

…the Honduras-Cuba Association, told Prensa Latina May 7. In New York, The People’s Forum has raised $17,400 from 394 donors toward its goal of $20,000. You can help! Contact….

March 28, 2022

Militant Fighting Fund key to getting paper out

…socialist revolution, an example to working people worldwide. Mail your checks to the Militant at 306 West 37th St., 13th floor, New York, NY 10018, or donate online at….