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June 5, 2023

Forum protests FBI attacks on constitutional freedoms

Minneapolis Militant Labor Forum May 20 protests government, FBI attacks on political rights. From left, Kevin Dwire, SWP; Cynthia Wilson, Minneapolis NAACP president; chair Gabrielle Prosser, SWP candidate for City Council; Leah Fifield, Uhuru Solidarity Movement.

…information and a way to donate to the legal defense fund is on their website at Cynthia Wilson, president of the Minneapolis NAACP, described a federal lawsuit her organization…

July 17, 2023

California hotel workers strike over pay, workload

Fight for ability to raise families, to end E-Verify
Thousands of striking hotel workers, mainly women, marched July 4 in Los Angeles, above, and in Santa Monica. Members of UNITE HERE are demanding an immediate $5 hourly wage raise.

…and deserve, widespread support. For information on how you can support the union, go to the union website www: Strikers returned to work July 5 — for now —…

July 24, 2023

Canadian longshore workers fight for raise, job protection

Bosses look to Ottawa to ban Pacific Coast strike
Striking ILWU dockworkers rally in Vancouver, British Columbia, July 9, drawing widespread solidarity. Support has come from UNITE HERE Local 40 members on strike at Sheridan Hotel at the airport, and from dockworkers’ unions in Australia, New Zealand and the U.S.

…Skidmore, president of the B.C. Federation of Labour, told the July 9 rally. To send messages of solidarity, get updates on the strike or join a picket line, visit….

August 14, 2023

Memphis strike wins broad union, community support

Get out the word, help strengthen the struggle!
Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers Local 390G members on strike along with supporters picket, rally at International Flavors and Fragrances plant gate July 26.

…22 members from Jerry’s Broadway Bakery in Minneapolis delivered cards with messages of solidarity for Local 390G members.” Contributions to help win this fight are needed. Make them at….

August 7, 2023

Strikes by actors, writers win widespread support

Rallies, pickets take place from coast to coast
SAG-AFTRA and Writers Guild unionists rally in Philadelphia July 20. Showing the power of united action, actors struck July 13, joining writers who had been on strike since May 2.

…said. “The second time was when the pandemic struck and things shut down.” For strike updates or to join a picket line, visit: Joanne Kuniansky contributed to this article….

August 28, 2023

Memphis strike ‘standing strong’ against IFF bosses

Strike deserves support of all working people!
Members of Bakery Workers Locals 57 and 19 from Ohio join BCTGM Local 390G strike picket at International Flavors and Fragrances plant in Memphis, Tennessee, Aug. 13.

…deserve all the support they can get, which strengthens their fight — and the whole labor movement. Contributions are needed. Go to Join the picket line, night or day,…

October 23, 2023

Fidel: ‘We will build a homeland ever more revolutionary’

…speech can be read online at: We might ask ourselves what is the purpose of these crimes? To destroy the Revolution? (Crowd exclamations of “No!”) That is impossible. The…