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November 8, 2021

Vote SWP!

Expand reach of ‘Militant,’ books, party
Alyson Kennedy, left, SWP Texas campaign chair, and SWP campaigner Dennis Richter, right, talk with Percy Gipson in Fort Worth, Texas, Oct. 23. “Justice for Tiara,” painted on Gipson’s truck, is part of fight to force a real investigation into street killing of Gipson’s cousin, Tiara Williams. “Criminal violence, gangs, come from workings of the capitalist system,” said Richter.

site where “the union representative would tell the bosses to hire the union members. That’s the power they had.” Fields subscribed to the Militant and purchased the books Are They…

November 15, 2021

Scaffolders fight contractor for pay raise in UK

…branch. Along with the Community union, it organizes the 4,000 workers who work directly for British Steel at the site. Unite union branches in the area have contributed to the…