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February 12, 2018

Kurds fight Turkish rulers invasion of Afrin in Syria

Thousands in Qamishli, Kurdish area of Syria, protest Jan. 30 against Turkish war on Afrin.

The capitalist rulers in Turkey continue their punishing bombardment and ground invasion against the Kurdish region of Afrin in northwest Syria. As the seven-year-long Syrian civil war grinds on, the…

January 29, 2018

Pro-independence parties win Catalonia election

…Oct. 1 referendum the government declared illegal. Madrid tried to stop it by brute force, sending 10,000 Civil Guards and hundreds of soldiers. More than 1,000 people were injured in…

February 19, 2018

Kurds mobilize to fight against Turkish assault

Protests spread against invasion of Afrin
Jan. 25 protest and funeral in Afrin for civilians and combatants killed by Turkish bombardment and ground attack on the Kurdish-controlled region in northwestern Syria.

…regime of Bashar al-Assad to retake the densely populated Idlib province, controlled by Syrian opposition forces, including Free Syrian Army units and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, formerly the al-Qaeda affiliate there….