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February 5, 2024

Canada court rules gov’t use of Emergency Act was illegal

…Justice Richard Mosley is the result of four challenges filed by civil liberties groups, including the Canadian Civil Liberties Association and Canadian Constitutional Foundation. The declaration of a “national public…

March 18, 2024

Canada gov’t mounts new attack on political rights

Canadian riot police use pepper spray against truckers, other protesters in Ottawa, Feb. 19, 2022. Despite Emer-gencies Act being recently ruled illegal by federal judge, Justin Trudeau government is pressing new attack on political rights, the Online Harms Act.

…the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, told the press, is “the vast authority bestowed upon a newly established body,” the Digital Safety Commission. This new spy agency would be comprised of…

April 15, 2024

25, 50 and 75 years ago

…Activities Committee, is attempting to justify its violations of civil liberties with the charge of terrorism. Groups charged with not meeting standards of political purity included the Communist Party, the…

May 20, 2024

Campus occupations back Hamas, spread Jew-hatred

…in the tradition of the civil rights movement and fight against Washington’s war against the Vietnamese people. This is false on all counts. The fact is there have been actions…

June 10, 2024

‘Militant’ files appeal on ban in Florida prison

On May 23 David Goldstein, the Militant’s attorney and member of the prominent civil liberties law firm Rabinowitz, Boudin, Standard, Krinsky and Lieberman, filed an appeal with the Florida Department…

October 24, 2022

25, 50, and 75 years ago

…were lost in the flash flood at Buffalo Creek, W.Va., last February. But the death toll was not the only terrible result of that man-made raging torrent of mud, uprooted…