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June 12, 2023

‘A genuine revolution means leading the millions’

Class struggle in the US today, the Cuban Revolution and building a proletarian party
April 25 book presentation in Havana at headquarters of Cuban Institute for Friendship with the Peoples. Inset, from left, Mary-Alice Waters; ICAP leader Noemí Rabaza, who chaired and spoke. In Cuba, Rabaza said, the government represents workers’ class interests not those of the capitalists. “What Noemí says is important,” Waters noted in discussion period. Cuba’s socialist revolution is a beacon worldwide and sets the example for working people in the U.S., too. “Alone we’ll be defeated. Fighting together, we can win,” Waters ended.

…centuries, including one of the bloodiest civil wars in history. The U.S. Constitution originated as the constitution of a mercantile bourgeois republic. The working-class vanguard doesn’t politically defend or support…

August 21, 2023

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

…the Teamsters’ victory as a dangerous example for other working people. August 31, 1973 A nationwide civil liberties defense campaign is now underway to build support for a lawsuit to…

November 6, 2023

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

…basic civil liberties of the American people. With a little effort we can get on every radio and TV station in a city we visit.” The PRDF is soliciting sponsorship…

December 11, 2023

25, 50, and 75 years ago

…scabs, and no scab has dared cross the picket lines since. December 13, 1948 One of the strongest resolutions in defense of civil rights ever enacted by a union body…