Use the search box above to find content from 2018 to present.

April 15, 2024

Holocaust Memorial in Glen Cove

…documents, videos and displays, as well as a library and guest speakers, chronicling the lead up to and horrors of the Nazi Holocaust. The material is presented so visitors can…

May 6, 2024

The opening guns of World War III

The U.S. rulers’ 1991 war on Iraq, and their inability to decisively win it, sounded the opening guns of World War III. It announced that the world order born out…

February 5, 2024

German farmers clog Berlin, protest rising prices

German farmers clog Berlin, protest rising prices

…farmers, there’s no future,” and “We farmers take care of your food.” “This is about the farming future,” Werner Schuermann, a farmer from Resthausen, told Global News. The government subsidies…

June 3, 2024

Welcome to new readers from the ‘Militant’

Welcome to the 1,355 new and renewing readers to the Militant! We work hard to bring you news, political analysis and lessons from the continuity of the working-class movement every…