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July 12, 2021

Florida building collapse product of capitalist greed

June 28 vigil for residents of Champlain Towers in Surfside, Florida, after building collapsed. “Serious degradation of the building’s structure was found three years ago,” said Anthony Dutrow, inset, Socialist Workers Party candidate for Miami mayor. “Owners were urged to get it fixed. This was never done.”

…muster under the circumstances.” As facts about the design, construction and ongoing inspections and lack of repairs are coming out, it is clear that management, city officials and others knew…

July 27, 2020

Scientific approach to opening of ‘New World’

Reproduction of a painting of Genoa, Italy, in 1597, by Cristoforo Grassi. Genoa was a key European port at the time of Columbus’ voyages. Opening of Americas paved the way for the rapid development of capitalism in Holland and England, while holding it back in Spain.

…“extended human culture into a dimension unknown until that moment.” The clash between the indigenous societies of the Americas and the social system that was beginning to emerge in Europe…

October 23, 2023

Fidel: ‘We will build a homeland ever more revolutionary’

…speech can be read online at: We might ask ourselves what is the purpose of these crimes? To destroy the Revolution? (Crowd exclamations of “No!”) That is impossible. The…

January 1, 2024

Workshop highlights role of Chinese in Cuba’s revolution

Cuba’s ambassador to Thailand, Pedro Pablo San Jorge Rodríguez, left, speaking with Steve Penner, organizer of Pathfinder Press circulation in Canada, at Dec. 10 ISSCO workshop. Panel discussed important role of Chinese Cubans in Cuba’s revolutionary development.

…conquests of the Cuban Revolution, Penner pointed out, are inter-connected with the earlier struggles for independence, sovereignty, human dignity, the abolition of slavery and of indentured servitude — in which…