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May 31, 2021

The Cuban Revolution: An example for us today

Black liberation, workers’ stake in defending due process and how cops and courts serve capitalist rule
Fidel Castro, left, addresses crowd in Colón, Cuba, Jan. 7, 1959, as Freedom Caravan crosses Cuba on way to Havana after overthrow of U.S.-backed dictator Fulgencio Batista. Cuba’s socialist revolution, along with struggle to bring down Jim Crow segregation, helped us “understand the kind of revolutionary transformation of ourselves necessary to defeat capitalist rulers,” said Mary-Alice Waters at Midwest Socialist Workers Party meeting April 24.

…the Rebel Army in the Sierra Maestra and Escambray mountains, the July 26 Movement urban underground, and those who took the city of Santa Clara became our heroes. We looked…

July 19, 2021

Build support for the UMW strike at Warrior Met mine!

1,100 miners have been on picket line since April 1
Members of United Auto Workers, other unions, join June 30 strike solidarity rally in McCalla, Alabama. Warrior Met Coal strikers demand bosses restore wages and benefits slashed in 2016.

…Action, together with the Sierra Club, recently contributed $10,000 to the strike fund. The growing list of contributing unions and individuals is available on the website. Some $4.3 million…

December 27, 2021

25, 50, and 75 Years Ago

…huge cheer went up as the contingent was announced of more than 100 veterans of the Rebel Army of the Sierra Maestra who had routed the Batista army. The contingents…