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July 27, 2020

Scientific approach to opening of ‘New World’

Reproduction of a painting of Genoa, Italy, in 1597, by Cristoforo Grassi. Genoa was a key European port at the time of Columbus’ voyages. Opening of Americas paved the way for the rapid development of capitalism in Holland and England, while holding it back in Spain.

…“extended human culture into a dimension unknown until that moment.” The clash between the indigenous societies of the Americas and the social system that was beginning to emerge in Europe…

January 27, 2020

‘Red Zone: Cuba and the Battle Against Ebola in West Africa’

New book is a ‘remarkable account of the solidarity and internationalism at the heart of the Cuban Revolution’
Cuban medical volunteers unload supplies on arrival in Freetown, Sierra Leone, Oct. 2014.

…caring for thousands of desperately ill human beings and their families and communities traumatized by the killer disease. For the Cuban people and their communist leadership, such a response was…