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April 17, 2023

Farmers in Cuba confront impact of US economic war

Cuban farmers with delegation of communists from U.S. and U.K. during visit to Cuban-Bulgarian Friendship Cooperative in Güines, Cuba, Feb. 24. They are looking at tank with tobacco leaf residue used to create tabaquina, a natural pesticide, to substitute for imported products that are difficult to obtain because of Washington’s 60-year-plus embargo.

…and participation in all aspects of society, going back to the revolutionary war, when women fought in the Sierra Maestra mountains alongside Fidel Castro. “Most of the tasks I do…

September 17, 2018

Washington state teachers strike over pay, conditions

…food service workers, para educators and school bus drivers, and the Longview Public Employees Association, representing school secretaries. “I have four kids and have to live with my parents,” Rivera…