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February 4, 2019

José Ramón Fernández: Revolutionary of exemplary integrity

Fernández held himself to highest standards of revolutionary selflessness, human solidarity, proletarian discipline
José Ramón Fernández, center, during April 1961 battles at Bay of Pigs where he was field commander of main column of revolutionary forces that defeated U.S.-organized invasion. Discipline of revolutionary army “must be very just, very humane, with highest moral standards,” Fernández said.

…with Fernández on three Pathfinder books. BY MARY-ALICE WATERS In the presence of José Ramón Fernández, you quickly sensed you were with a human being of exceptional integrity. His posture…

November 19, 2018

UN votes 189-2 to demand end to US rulers’ Cuba embargo

human rights for the Cuban people.” In response, Cuban Foreign Minister Rodríguez said, “The blockade represents flagrant, massive and systematic violations of the human rights of Cuban women and men.”…

July 27, 2020

Columbus voyage to Americas opened door to social progress

‘Discovery of roads of the world was clouded by the enormous crime of conquest’
Folding-screen mural painted in 1976 by Mexican painter Roberto Cueva del Río depicts meeting between Aztec ruler Moctezuma II and Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés some 500 years ago.

…to the advancement of human history as well as a stage of brutal colonial exploitation. The second article, “A Scientific Approach to Opening of ‘New World,’” by George Buchanan, further…

March 26, 2018

Cosmetics, fashions and the oppression of women today

…and fashions more than fifty years ago still relevant? Aren’t they long bypassed? Second, isn’t Reed’s article on “Anthropology: Marxist or Bourgeois?” outdated? Hasn’t knowledge of the earliest human societies…