Text version of the Militant, a socialist newspaper
Text version of issue 28
is now available.
The graphical version will be available later.
Milosevic 'war crimes' trial will boost U.S. intervention
Workers are target of Washington's pressure on Yugoslavia
Kyoto treaty fraud shows imperialist rivalries
Canada health-care strikers resist government attack on unions
California raisin farmers confront low prices
Communist Party USA is dropping pretense of Leninism
Cuba offers doctors, drugs for AIDS crisis
A socialist newsweekly published in the interests of working people
Vol. 65/No.27
July 16, 2001
News articles
Milosevic 'war crimes' trial will boost U.S. intervention
Workers are target of Washington's pressure on Yugoslavia
Kyoto treaty fraud shows imperialist rivalries
Canada health-care strikers resist government attack on unions
California raisin farmers confront low prices
New Zealand government prepares for new military interventions abroad
Protesters in Australia demand freeing of detained asylum seekers
Communist Party USA is dropping pretense of Leninism
Cuba offers doctors, drugs for AIDS crisis
Cuba aims for energy self-sufficiency
'The philosophy here is that doctors should work for the people'
Working people in Miami protest spate of killings by cops
Workers at doughnut firm picket in Philadelphia
(photo box)
Workers in France say, 'No more layoffs!'
Cleveland rally condemns shooting by cop
U.S. youth prepare for exchange in Cuba
Court upholds freelance author copyright
Staff writer takes new assignment to help build socialist movement
Report: Blacks denied voting rights in Florida
Montreal strikers make gains at GE-owned plant
600 paper workers strike in New York State
Steelworkers strike Alabama plant to oppose concessions
Chicago food workers demand dignity
UNITE members in Illinois defend union
'Militant' and 'Perspectiva Mundial' tax refund
Ontario oil workers strike for pensions
Lenin on electrification and fight for alliance of workers, farmers
Mexican workers in New York protest against 'guest worker' program for agribusiness
(photo box)
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