Text version of the Militant, a socialist newspaper
Visit the Róger Calero Defense Committee web site:
U.S. forces consolidate occupation of Iraq
Washington targets Syria with chemical arms charge
Imperialist troops out of Mideast!
Cuban authorities arrest, convict 85 in response to U.S.-planned provocations
Chicago janitors mobilize, gain in contract
North Carolina: Calero wins support for fight against deportation
Washington adds restrictions on travel to Cuba
A socialist newsweekly published in the interests of working people
Vol. 67/No. 14
April 28, 2003
News articles
U.S. forces consolidate occupation of Iraq
Washington targets Syria with chemical arms charge
Imperialist troops out of Mideast!
Cuban authorities arrest, convict 85 in response to U.S.-planned provocations
Chicago janitors mobilize, gain in contract
North Carolina: Calero wins support for fight against deportation
Washington adds restrictions on travel to Cuba
Washington makes progress at UN on its war drive against north Korea
Australian cops attack protests
New Zealand nurses go on strike
Israeli army kills dozens of Palestinians, shoots at peace activists from U.S., UK
(photo box)
California paper covers anti-deportation fight
Ex-police chief in Mexico is indicted for murders of student activists in 1970s
Washington is no. 1 jailer in the world
Abortion rates up for women workers, down for the wealthy
Occupation of Iraq deepens imperialist rift
Workers in Midwest set pace in drive to win new readers
‘Militant’ supporters plan fund-raisers
‘Independent libraries’ in Cuba a U.S.-promoted fraud
Peggy Brundy, a veteran socialist for four decades
‘A rank-and-file cadre of the kind around whom the troops are formed’
Iran: 1978 revolt broke hold of the shah
Oakland cops fire on antiwar protesters
More than 100,000 U.S. workers are laid off in March
North Carolina workers fight to organize union
New York cops open files on antiwar protesters
Atlanta auto workers gain in strike
‘Tricontinental’ magazine marks 150th anniversary of José Martí
25,000 at April 12 D.C. peace rally
Revolutionary defeatism and the Iraq war
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