Text version of the Militant, a socialist newspaper
Róger Calero for President, Arrin Hawkins for Vice-president
Get more information on the working-class alternative in the presidential elections
Housing crisis in N.Y. adds to grind on workers
Rents eat up wages; number in shelters up 60% in 3 years
Utah safety board cites Co-Op mine; UMWA backer to get back pay
Nebraska: socialist campaigners meet ballot drive goal, get support from meat packers, other pro-union workers
NATO force in Baghdad expands world reach of imperialist alliance
Cuba confronts drought afflicting eastern provinces
A socialist newsweekly published in the interests of working people
Vol. 68/No. 30
August 17, 2004
News articles
Housing crisis in N.Y. adds to grind on workers
Rents eat up wages; number in shelters up 60% in 3 years
Utah safety board cites Co-Op mine; UMWA backer to get back pay
Nebraska: socialist campaigners meet ballot drive goal, get support from meat packers, other pro-union workers
NATO force in Baghdad expands world reach of imperialist alliance
Cuba confronts drought afflicting eastern provinces
Australian rulers close ranks on Iraq
Labor Party drops call for Iraq troop withdrawal, affirms alliance with Washington
Ontario steelworkers strike tire plant
Workers in Utah protest discriminatory firing
Protests continue in Miami against new U.S. curbs on visits, remittances to Cuba
(photo box)
Drivers strike UK’s largest bus company
Powell to U.S. allies: ‘don’t get weak in knees’
Belfast: thousands honor Irish republican Joe Cahill
New York event pays tribute to Joe Cahill
Judge upholds non-disclosure rights of Freedom Socialist Party candidate
Cahill: ‘A lifelong revolutionary who enjoyed struggle’
Garment/textile and hotel unions merge
Millions in India have no access to water
(photo box)
Washington, Paris feud at AIDS event
ACLU bows out of gov’t fund that requires employee ‘terror’ watch list
Socialists file for Mississippi ballot
$43,000 collected for socialist campaign, funds still needed
U.S. Navy stages war exercises off China’s waters
Immigrant deaths at U.S.-Mexico border on the rise
No bounce for Kerry after Democratic convention
U.S. drumhead tribunals begin at Guantánamo
Lessons of party building in France 1935-36
Great Society
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