Vol. 75/No. 30 August 22, 2011
News articles
45,000 strike against Verizon’s takebacks
‘They’re coming after all us workers’
‘Green shoots’ nipped in bud by capitalist contraction
Workers fight lockout by American Crystal Sugar
Maryland: nine days of actions defend women’s right to choose
UK gov’t boosts cops as police killing sparks street unrest
Growth of interns part of attack on worker solidarity
The unique history of Chinese in Cuba: from independence wars to socialist revolution
Presentation at Guangzhou, China, conference on 150-year continuity of struggle underlying Cuba’s proletarian revolution and its worldwide example
Rally protests closing of yet another NY hospital
Alabama march stands up for immigrant rights
(photo box)
Calif. rally protests cop killing of homeless man
5 New Orleans cops convicted for 2005 shooting
Illinois uranium workers: ‘We fought a good fight’
Leader of Roquette struggle backs sugar workers
On the Picket Line
Corn-processing workers in Iowa discuss lessons of recent lockout fight
25, 50 and 75 years ago
Socialist in NY campaigns for jobs, workers power
An apology to readers
What workers can learn from 1990-91 capitalist crisis
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