Text version of the Militant, a socialist newspaper
El Militante
Le Militant
‘Recovery’ not going as gov’t ‘experts’ expected
Fed’s monetary schemes haven’t created one job
Growing unrest, capitalist rivalries draw US military deeper into Africa
Crisis spurs interest in workers’ newspaper
US gov’t asserts right to seize, search electronic devices at border
‘Cuban Revolution strengthened by internationalist mission in Angola’
Bringing Cuban Revolution to life for workers in the US and worldwide
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A socialist newsweekly published in the interests of working people
Vol. 77/No. 9 March 11, 2013
News articles
Growing unrest, capitalist rivalries draw US military deeper into Africa
‘Recovery’ not going as gov’t ‘experts’ expected
Fed’s monetary schemes haven’t created one job
Crisis spurs interest in workers’ newspaper
US gov’t asserts right to seize, search electronic devices at border
‘Cuban Revolution strengthened by internationalist mission in Angola’
Bringing Cuban Revolution to life for workers in the US and worldwide
‘Cuba and Angola: Fighting for Africa’s Freedom and Our Own’ presented
by editor at international book fair event in Havana
Socialist Workers wins ballot slot in Omaha
(photo box)
Last ‘Jewish team’ in Israel brings on 2 Muslim players
Boss’s contract-signing bribe turned over to help build workers party
Mali: Class antagonisms grow with commodification of land
After strike, school bus workers in New York City fight firings
Front page (for this issue)
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