Text version of the Militant, a socialist newspaper
El Militante
Le Militant
Ukraine workers fight gov’t attacks on unions
Capitalist regime weakens defense of sovereignty
LA raises minimum wage, but at snail’s pace
‘Workers need a voice’: fund, subscription drives hit goals
‘We have history of winning,’ one of Cuban 5 tells meeting
Tehran sends troops to back Syria’s Assad as Kurds battle Islamic State
For Tom Fiske ‘revolutionary politics was pure enjoyment’
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A socialist newsweekly published in the interests of working people
Vol. 79/No. 23 June 22, 2015
News articles
Ukraine workers fight gov’t attacks on unions
Capitalist regime weakens defense of sovereignty
LA raises minimum wage, but at snail’s pace
‘Workers need a voice’: fund, subscription drives hit goals
‘We have history of winning,’ one of Cuban 5 tells meeting
Tehran sends troops to back Syria’s Assad as Kurds battle Islamic State
For Tom Fiske ‘revolutionary politics was pure enjoyment’
Pro-choice picket challenges anti-abortion court case in NZ
Ireland gay marriage vote a victory for equal treatment
NY forum debates way forward for Mexican toilers
Texas march condemns cop attack on teen pool party
(photo box)
Cuban 5’s example and art speak to today’s fighters
Cuba debated at Latin American studies conference
Ukraine anti-communist laws: an attack on the working class
Titles on revolutionary politics released at Tehran book fair
Keep up fight for $15
a union!
Textile unionists in Egypt: ‘Reinstate fired worker!’
NY-NJ airport workers: ‘We need better pay!’
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