25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

April 9, 2018

April 12, 1993

LONDON — Three thousand British workers, one-third of them coal miners, marched and rallied here March 29 to protest pit closures. The demonstration, called by the Trades Union Congress, the British labor federation, coincided with a debate in the Parliament on a government plan to close several mines. The closures would eliminate up to 30,000 jobs of miners and 70,000 other workers in rail, engineering, power, and other industries.

The same day, the Parliament voted to immediately close 19 mines, leaving 12 others operating for now that had been scheduled to close.

The TUC action was a prelude to a 24-hour strike called for Friday, April 2, by the National Union of Mine Workers, the Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers, London bus workers, and others to protest job losses.

April 8, 1968

MEMPHIS, March 8 — Hundreds of Black people were injured and one Black youth was killed here today when police made a brutal attack on a peaceful march of more than 15,000 people demonstrating in support of striking sanitation workers.

At Hamilton High School large numbers of Black students left school to join the demonstration, and cops entered the school grounds to prevent them from doing so. They started to club students. There were reports of cops shooting tear gas and Mace at high school students.

Dr. Martin Luther King had come to Memphis that morning to lead the massive demonstration in support of the 1,300 striking sanitation workers.

After police suppressed the demonstration, Mayor Henry Loeb called 4,000 national guardsmen into Memphis. A 7 p.m. curfew was imposed.

April 10, 1943

Those workers who have been following the countless scandals of World War II now know that part of the money taken from their wages in the form of the “Victory tax” and other taxes goes back into the coffers of Big Business.

While Washington sets down a “Little Steel” formula for freezing workers’ wages, “Big Steel” is handed out billions. And not they alone. The Aluminum barons, the auto kings, the Banking tycoons and others are also getting in on the Big Steal — the greatest raid on the U.S. Treasury in history.

How can this menace of the monopolists be removed? There is one really effective way: Organize politically to drive out the Looters’ Legion!

Expropriate the war industries, shipbuilding, steel-making, power plants, aluminum factories! Let them be operated under workers control!