April 3, 1995
Thousands of working people in the United States — and many more around the globe — celebrated the recent U.S. tour of Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams. The reception he got registered London’s weakness in its attempt to hold together the United Kingdom, as well as important new openings to tell the truth about the fight for a united, independent Ireland. The six-month cease-fire in Ulster has provided more elbow-room for working people to debate, discuss and organize for their rights.
Supporters of the Irish struggle now have wider opportunities to spread the message among working people about what is at stake in Ireland, counterposing the truth to British imperialism’s lies. Now is the time for all supporters of Irish national unification and independence to intensify the struggle.
April 3, 1970
NEW YORK, March 25 — Striking postal workers voted at 3 p.m. here today to return to work. The vote was taken at a spirited mass meeting. Thus ended a week-long strike, which brought out postal workers across the nation and shattered the myth that workers cannot strike against the federal government. Union officials reported that an “understanding” had been reached on immediate concessions to postal workers.
Morale was high as the workers voted to go back with promised gains. The rank-and-file felt that a new landmark had been set by their struggle; that henceforth the government must deal with postal workers as organized unionists, and that the most urgent need is one big union to represent all postal workers instead of the present seven, weak, divided and conservative craft unions.
March 31, 1945
Two weeks before the Senate hearings on the price control act, lobbyists of the Meat Trust threatened to impose a “meat famine” upon the country unless price ceilings were promptly removed. Last week the Roosevelt administration yielded to the profit-greedy meat barons’ brazen threat of enforced scarcity. The government is granting an additional subsidy of 50¢ a hundred pounds to the cattle slaughterers.
The government’s generous treatment of the meat profiteers, who openly admitted that 90 percent of the civilian meat supplies have been diverted into black market channels, is in striking contrast to the Roosevelt administration’s ferocity against workers forced to strike for a few cents more wages to meet the insatiable demands of the price-gougers.